Go to the roots, not to the fruits. I’m your host, Stef Bastiàn, tattooer with over twenty years of experience, traveler, painter, coach. Join me to improve your artistic, personal and professional journey through the stories and insights of inspiring guests, within and outside the tattoo world. Learn more about my different projects and classes at https://www.stefbastian.com/

Tuesday Sep 28, 2021
23. TAMARA SANTIBAÑEZ- Social justice and the political potential of tattooing
Tuesday Sep 28, 2021
Tuesday Sep 28, 2021
Tamara is a talented and respected member of the tattoo community. There’s much more than what meets the eye tho.
Artist, Anarchist, Teacher… a spirit that transcends and breaks the boundaries of one specific field. Tamara’s work in the field of social justice highlights the potential that tattooing carries with the concept of trauma-informed care and enriches this world with unique compassion and vision.
Please find these amazingly valuable resources at santibaneztattoo.com
Find Tamara on Instagram at @tamarasantibanez

Monday Apr 26, 2021
22. KARI BARBA- Continue to learn
Monday Apr 26, 2021
Monday Apr 26, 2021
When Kari talks about tattooing, a rare quality strikes you right away. The fresh sparkle in her eyes tells you, better than a thousand words, that her 42 years in the business haven’t diminished her passion. If anything they distilled it into a deep, humble appreciation for what this represents. Personal growth, meaningful friendships, craftsmanship and dedication.
Her personal trajectory crossed with some of the most significant tattooers in history -Ed Hardy, Jack Rudy, Paul Rogers, Horiyoshi II to mention some- and just listening to her recollections is a reward on its own.
I hope that her words will make you feel inspired and humbled as I do.
Stef Bastiàn
You can find Kari at outerlimitstattoo.com

Thursday Mar 11, 2021
21. C.W. ELDRIDGE- The importance of history
Thursday Mar 11, 2021
Thursday Mar 11, 2021
C.W. developed a passion for tattooing very early on. His service in the Navy in the 60’s brought him across the world, collecting tattoos in exotic parlors like Pinky Yun’s in Hong Kong.
After getting tattooed by Ed Hardy he got offered the opportunity of learning tattooing and from there he crossed paths with pillars of modern tattooing. Paul Jeffries, Good times Charlie, Jack Rudy, Jerry Swallow to name some.
Since 1980 he has been promoting the history of tattooing through research and education, founding The Tattoo Archive and, together with Alan Govenar, D.E. Hardy and Henk Schiffmacher, the non profit “Paul Rogers Tattoo Research Center”.
Find and support his work on Instagram and at tattooarchive.com

Sunday Jan 31, 2021
20. ALEX BINNIE- Nothing is perfect
Sunday Jan 31, 2021
Sunday Jan 31, 2021
Alex Binnie needs no introduction. Founder of the legendary Into You in London and unanimously considered one of the most influential artists for more than one generation of tattooers, Alex shares his invaluable take on art, the creative process and the unique relationship between artist and client.
Find Alex on Instagram
@abinniepaperandskin @1770tattoo
Follow the updates on the latest episodes on Instagram @tattootalespodcast and Stefbastian.com

Sunday Dec 20, 2020
19. DEB YARIAN- The strength of a woman
Sunday Dec 20, 2020
Sunday Dec 20, 2020
40 years tattooing and going strong.
That’s the word that I think can describe Deb best, Strong.
She’s well known in the community for her kindness, authenticity and genuine love for tattooing. That type of old school lifelong love, matured in times when you often had to swallow your pride to belong to this world, especially as a woman. Beside that, Deb’s path hasn’t been an easy one. The obstacles she faced would have been enough to sink the toughest of us but not her.
In this interview she stoically shines a light into the darkness of her abuse and sets an example for that type of courage that sometimes, only a woman can have. The courage to keep your heart open despite all.
Find Deb on Instagram and at Eagle River Tattoo
You can follow the last updates on the podcast on Instagram and stefbastian.com
Thanks for listening 😊

Monday Nov 16, 2020
18. TONY COHEN- Tattooing since 1967
Monday Nov 16, 2020
Monday Nov 16, 2020
Tony has been tattooing for over 50 years, longer than many of us have been alive. Just for that he deserves huge respect.
A tattoo godfather in Australia, he’s well known in the community worldwide, crossing paths over his long career with institutions of this craft such as Lyle Tuttle, Cliff Raven, George Bone, Lal Hardy, Doc Price, Terry Wrigley and the list goes on and on.
Listening to him recollecting the magic of other times with a passion that hasn’t changed a bit in over half century is an absolute gift.
I hope you’ll enjoy this short but precious talk as I did, in the words of old timers we find tattooing in its purest form.
Follow Tony on Instagram
Follow updates and new episodes on Tattoo Tales and Stefbastian.com

Monday Oct 19, 2020
17. JASON TYLER GRACE- The answer is within
Monday Oct 19, 2020
Monday Oct 19, 2020
I have a lot in common with Jason, most of all a restless spirit that brought us both to travel the world for years in search of that ”something” we couldn’t name.
Years down the line Jason is a more mature man and artist with a newly found sense of purpose. With this interview I wanted to get you to see what I see in him, that special sensitivity that sets him apart, a sensitivity that finds expression in his art and his words.
I feel lucky for having him opening up for us and sharing some personal struggles and insights that go way beyond tattooing. Insights that perhaps can help us reflect on how we can live a healthier emotional life and love ourselves a little more.
SPOILER: A few very good book recommendations in the end by the avid reader such as Jason is 👌🏼
Find Jason on Instagram
Follow the updates on new episodes on Instagram and Stefbastian.com

Monday Sep 28, 2020
16. MEHAI BAKATY- It’s all about the people
Monday Sep 28, 2020
Monday Sep 28, 2020
In New York the name Bakaty and Tattooing are two sides of the same coin and the city knows it well.
A second generation tattooer, Mehai watched his father Mike, respected and loved legend in the Lower East Side, practicing the craft since he was four years old. At the age of 11 he was making needles for the family business that operated underground throughout the long ban that made tattooing illegal in NY for over 30 years.
Surrounded by the most iconic figures in the history of the Bowery, Mehai absorbed and still embodies that true spirit of craftsmanship, connection and respect of traditional values that are getting more and more rare to find.
His shop FINELINE as today is the longest running studio in the city and that alone speaks volumes.
It was an absolute honor to share an afternoon with a truly dedicated and grounded gentleman, representing the best side of tattooing.
Find Mehai on Instagram
Follow the shop on Instagram and at finelinetattoo.com
Follow the latest updates on new episodes on Instagram and stefbastian.com

Wednesday Aug 19, 2020
15. CHAD KOEPLINGER- The difference between a traveler and a tourist
Wednesday Aug 19, 2020
Wednesday Aug 19, 2020
When you lose yourself into different cultures of distant countries you re-emerge with a newly found appreciation for the people you met and for all the beautiful nuances that characterize them. A deeper sense of wonder and acceptance. This is the difference between a traveler and a tourist. As a consequence your daily reality takes on a different light, without the need for moving away from it.
With 77 countries visited(tattooed in 34 of them and in all 50 states) Chad is one of the most traveled tattooers I know, to whom I relate deeply with my 10 years spent on the road.
His experience and relevance in the world of American traditional is well known, shaped by the connection with some of the most significant artists worldwide.
In this honest chat I got to peek into what makes him who he is and how his creative process defines his aesthetics. An insightful approach towards flow and authenticity of expression which I hope you’ll find as inspiring and entertaining as I did.
Find Chad on Instagram
Learn more about Stef’s Mentor Program & Webinars

Sunday Jul 05, 2020
14. VIRGINIA ELWOOD & STEPHANIE TAMEZ- Two beautiful souls
Sunday Jul 05, 2020
Sunday Jul 05, 2020
Two creative souls that found each other, this is the beautiful story of Virginia and Stephanie.
They both gained their reputation through years of hard work and dedication at the highest levels of this profession, shoulder to shoulder with the best.
What sets them apart tho is their unique sensitivity, perhaps matured overcoming all the obstacles that life put on their way, and their caring. Caring for their industry; caring for issues that might trouble others, being social, cultural or personal; caring for the person in front of them. Beautiful qualities that can only be amplified by their relationship.
Their kind, spirited and grateful approach to life is what touched me during this enriching afternoon’s talk. I hope you appreciate as I did those two beautiful souls opening up for us.
Find Virginia and Stephanie on Instagram
You can find all the latest updates on new episodes on Instagram and on Stefbastian.com